An odd-ish thing I've noticed in working at UMC has to do with Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. Basically, it's more a distinction that I've heard the Mexican-Americans make themselves, in that the ones I've met want to distinguish themselves from, say, illegal aliens. I think there's some bitterness involved because either they or their parents worked to get citizenship and thus they consider themselves Americans, but the illegal Mexicans just relatively show up and hang out and have a kind of indeterminate nationality. Interestingly I've also heard some Mexican-Americans decry things such as bilingual language proposals, because for example in their experience it was much better to learn English by immersion (whereas to them the illegal Mexicans not only don't bother to learn English but are almost against it as well).

There was a guy in my fiction writing class who did this, which accented his sardonic comments (Brad Fest for those from CFHS)

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