The Village left me very...conflicted. Which I guess is interesting in and of itself. In fact, as much as I very much enjoyed the movie, I also left feeling kind of hurt and betrayed. While I can't really think of much to say without giving anything important away (if you're not planning on seeing it then feel free to ask), I think Chris summed it up in the parking lot when he said the nice thing about M. Night Shyamalan's movies is that while they often have that twist that is their trademark and that has people talking (re: The Sixth Sense), the more valuable/important part about them is the relationships between the characters. In this case, Ivy and Lucius, you are so beautiful, to me.

In other random news, General Tommy Franks let out in his autobiography that before the invasion of Iraq, a double-agent was used to make the Iraqis think that all of the coalition was coming from the north. Then the entire coalition came from the south. Heh. Hehehe. The other byte he said was that there was a plan set to flood post-invasion Iraq with funds and resources, but for various and several reasons, the money couldn't be raised in time (aka, there was a plan, it just had to be drawn out).

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