So. Um. Cousin Taryn's wedding. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (no, seriously in some regards) + Janet Evanovich + Arabic + crowds and crowds of relatives + rave-like reception. The cousins whom I hadn't seen (or for some, met ever) in ten years ranged from elementary cutie-patooties, to sorority/frat drunks, to cool composition-at-Boston music school, to sports-car-chic-job-Paris-party vs ambitions-centered-on-richest-husband possible, to friendly Jersey girls, and to crazy New Age. And there were also the people trying to set me up with the odd looking Texan. The bride's maids from the groom's side were fat, and danced crazylike, but did a credible dance from 'Thriller.' Uncle Johnny and Aunt Maha were back to their normal selves. Threatening to kill each other. And the intro from 'Misirlou' on the Pulp Fiction soundtrack was accidentally played as they set up for carrying the new couple around on chairs to Arabic chants. And there was a crazy giant circle dance. And my mom pointed out that unlike cousin Kelly's wedding, no drunken Arabs got into brawls. So, all in all, it was kind of scary, but fun.


-reminds me of the original GI Joe rocket that almost hit the neighbor (via Wyatt)

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