more random quotes (almost all from different sources) -
"Is the drama of time meaningless as a tale told by an idiot? Or is it not meaningless? And if it is not meaningless is it a comedy or a tragedy, a triumph or a disaster, or is it a mixture in which sweet and bitter are for ever mixed?"

"...he must reflect what is projected upon him. And he must have a strong sense of the sardonic. This is what uncouples him from belief in his own pretensions. The sardonic is all that permits him to move within himself."

"In War and Peace Pierre's 'mental change' is a coming to have (a learning how to have) peace of mind, not a matter of acquiring new information, new dogma."

"Seeing the chattering faces, [he] was suddenly repelled by them. They were cheap masks locked on festering thoughts - voices gabbling to drown out the loud silence in every breast."
Comics by Jess Fink (I liked 'The Beachcomber')

Voices - Ow be knackin' vore?

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