Wizard and Glass, by Stephen King. As usual with the Dark Tower books, just wow. Tip of the hat again to Mr. Scott for getting me started, and Ms. Connie for bringing me back to them. This is one of those novels where I'm not sure what to write here, as I'd rather go back do something on the order of how I did my thesis on Dune, with all the attendant time and research put in. I'll just note quickly that if you're interested in Roland's backstory, but doesn't want to read the rest of the novels, this is the one for you.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, by Anne Rice under a pen name. Heh, first time I was ever lent this kind of book, for true. I liked the word one reviewer used, 'monotonous.' Who knew Rice was that into spanking? While this does serve it's purpose as erotica to a fair degree, a little variety would have been nice. There are some points that pull off flourishes of language...amidst a lot of repetition. That all could have been saved by allowing for a little more depth of character and much more depth of detail, I think - if some of the sensitivity and depth of Secretary had rubbed off on this story (no pun intended) that would have gone a long, long way in its favor.

and quickquick-
The Wedding Date, with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney. Fluffy rom-com - pretty fun. I like Messing better with curly hair, but alas.
Love Actually, with a lot of people. More fluffy rom-com, but I liked this one very much more, for several reasons - structure, actors in question, and general story...or stories, in this case. A movie to smile at, for true.

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