things of note on the (dog show) weekend!
-when getting into Prescott late at night, make sure you see the sign...and don't drive all the way to Flagstaff. In other news, Natalie the Eclipse apparently has great highway mileage, Tucson to Flagstaff to Prescott with gas to spare
-funny how a baseball diamond in the middle of nowhere can develop its own little ecosystem, complete with ginormous grasshoppers (I kind of wanted to fry one up) and that same green spider I still don't know a name for
-dogs can come in 'small horse' size - it occured to me that if an Irish wolfhound wanted to casually bite my heart out of my chest, it wouldn't have to jump up, but probably rather bend down
-I didn't really believe it, but yeah I can see sharpei as fighters, what with the wrinkles and the overly pugnacious-bastard 'tudes
-Kim's mom wins for most-violentest-threats-ever - which seem to somehow be augmented by her nice English accent
-where else could you hear, "Work that bitch!" said with a completely straight face, and also have it be completely appropriate?
-vaguely tangentially, I've not seen so much adroitness at going so quickly from polite and even enthusiastic encouragement and sportsmanship to hissed backbiting and trashtalking and back as soon as a person in question is back in earshot
-Prescott to me is an odd combination of Colorado Springs, Fairbanks, and Anchorage

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