Things of Note: A Pre-Christmas Weekend!
-"Mexican...Mexican...Mexican...Mexican..." - Kevin, reading the license plates of an entire row of the parking lot at the mall
-Cherries. Fun. Though it may lead to inadvertant, drunken hittings-on.
-Good call: 151 Georgia Peach's, yummy, surprisingly not too expensive. Bad call in retrospect: choosing the cheapest, rubbing alcohol variants out of little sample bottles of alcohol.
-I haven't played Smash Bros Melee till almost the sun came up in years
-eggs over-hard? I still don't quite get it, but it bears trying
-who needs nails or staples for Christmas lights when you have duct tape? And people heckling you as you teeter precariously on the roof
-Indian food can include crayfish - yum!
-Ms Kim is an awesome mistress of ceremonies (as it were)
-I also climbed a tree, for a semi-practical reason

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