Things of Note - a Dawg Eat Dawg Weekend

-a five month old black lab puppy is vaguely reminiscint of a hyperactive toddler on steroids; hella strong, wants to put everything it possibly can in its mouth (including the picnic table?!), and isn't shy about thinking the world is its bathroom
-that said, that puppy was remarkably quick to learn its new pack leader's usual play-fighting tricks and act to counter them, enough that he was even starting to piss off the other (frustrated) dog
-watching RC cars race around a BMX track in miniature is almost more fun than seeing actual cars race
-I finally put up some of the photos from Pinetop, and like Kevin, had some time obsessively geotagging them (ie, getting down to literally the exact place I took the photo in Tucson)
-not all superglue is created equal
-comic book stores have midnight sales?!
-make sure medication doesn't have "hydrochloric acid" as part of its ingredients - no, seriously, I'm not joking
-Ms Kim had an interesting time in Palm Springs - personally, I'm just glad she was able to get there safely with that wind blowing over semi's and RV's
and, a quick discourse on ukemi skills

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