
Interesting point about pranayama (breath training) - that in one sense it's not so much to have perfect control over one's breathing, but to be able to be aware of one's breathing without taking control of it. Which is actually quite the trick, if one tries it - being aware of your breathing, but without straining to control it in some way, subtle or overt. Of course, to get to that point, one has to become very good at controlling it, to transcend that.

This morning I saw hawk almost take a dove in a midair, right above the midline of Glenn. It's so interesting how wildlife adapts to suburban areas, like the other night when we heard a coyote pack near the house.

Huh, the wiki for Tucson is pretty nice, and the 'place names' section has some interesting trivia

Francis of Assisi is one of my favorite historical figures, for several reasons (for example, look at the part where he was involved with a Crusade), and I also wonder what it would be like to really figure out experiences and choices led him to take the course of life that he did

On that most blessed of condiments: guacamole


Kevin said...

At Tanque Verde and Catalina Highway there's a gas station on the corner and open desert behind it. The pigeons all sit in a line on the gas station roof. So hawks will fly in from the desert really low to the ground then pull up at the last second and pick off the pigeons.

Jinn said...

Huh, wow. Sounds like one of those Japanese suicide clubs, or Xtreme Adventuring for pigeons...or, imagine, a bunch of frat guys getting drunk and standing on a roof, and then them running away screaming as some big predator wings away with one of them. Hee. Hehehe. Ah, that'll keep me occupied for a while.