Things we've learned, of late

Never, ever take various doses of zinc, ashwagandha, fish oil, triphala, and echinacea, which would normally be fine all at once.....if one had actually eaten or drank any water all day. The results can be...ah, messy. And painful.

Paper airplanes can appear as unto a ball to a dog. Who might rebound off of your chest to follow a loop-de-loop airplane. Regardless, it's pretty awesome to see the little paper construct snatched out of a hard bank, only to be viciously torn in half, its dismembered pieces tossed in the air. Kind of like the UFC combined with that History Channel show, Dogfights, combined with a National Geographic documentary on predators.

An unexpectedly disturbing thing to lose while having chemotherapy done is apparently one's eyelashes. Though, I think losing fingernails would mess with me a lot, which seems it was backed up by another male opinion in that direction, so that's two female opinions balancing that towards eyelashes being the worst. Though only one of those opinions is based on actual experience.

Wow, an upgraded armbar, from GrappleArts (I think it's potentially awesome, personally)

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