
Shooter, by Gunnery Sergeant Jack Coughlin, Captain Casey Kuhlman, and Donald Davis. If you're interested in military-history books, this is pretty much about as close to a 'current-events' version as one might find. I found especially interesting the manner of Coughlin's formation of the concept of the mobile sniper team, and wish there was a way to see if that really bloomed after the initial fighting in Iraq. That was also another interesting aspect of the book, that is, getting a nicely paced and described first-hand view of the beginning of that recent war, from pre-deployment through the final assault, and all the attendent feelings and aspects of the in-between, as well. All in all, just chock full of interesting stuff, and with a pace that gets you hooked.

Determine your ayurvedic constitution (but what the hell does it mean when whenever I try to do this, I'm almost exactly even across all three variants - am I balanced, then, or just...flat?)

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