because the same joke over and over and over is hilarious.

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, with John Reilly and Jenna Fischer. Oh man. Big waste of time. I think they were actually trying to make the main character someone you were supposed to kind of care about...and were we supposed to actually get into the music? I think if they'd really went all out into making it stupidly funny through and through, I would have enjoyed it. As it was, it was a parody that was trying to be an actual movie, practically. And as such, my mind was wandering prolifically.

Here we are; maybe, animals see in three dimensions, we add a fourth dimension - time - and Cylons see in one more dimension than that

Wow, sordid, international, political - Roxelana


Kevin said...

nobody ever listens to me...

Jinn said...

for the record, I wasn't expecting much at all out of it, just knew that there was no way at all the others would go for There Will Be Blood, given their firm conception of what is and isn't a movie night movie