Drillbit Taylor, with Owen Wilson and two kids who are like the opposite of the evil twins of the kids from Superbad. The good twins? In a sense this movie is kind of the opposite of Superbad – first day of high school rather than last, nice kids versus jerks. Then there’s the adult aspect of the movie, with Wilson…not sure what to say about that. It’s basically Wilson’s trademark humor, which is fine – not amazing, not boring. I got kind of sick of the humiliation humor, that doesn’t really do it for me. And it just seemed long, for a comedy. But it was sweet. Not the greatest movie ever, but eh, fine.


Kevin said...

see, it wasn't even humor for most of it. Pouring soda on someone's laptop? Oh ho ho! Yeah, you sure got me you rascal you!

Jinn said...

Mmm, good call, I'd actually blanked most that too-long sequence of the movie. Sigh.