systema notes - rained out

-yeah, lightning directly overhead a park filled with tall trees was probably a good marker for having booked it when we did, not to mention the deluge that followed immediately thereafter
-I still don't really get the, punch to stop them from sitting up thing...I get the basic idea of relaxing working muscles, but the how of it entirely escapes me
-also, going "deeper" with a punch without making it "sharper", but it's not a push either....argh.
-getting better with the fist-pushups, at least, finally learned how to distribute my weight across my knuckles so I didn't bruise this time
-when absorbing, you don't do "heroic" movements and try to twist out of the way, there's a trick of returning to equilibrium, as overcompensating in rolling or twisting with something will just put you in a vulnerable position
-I didn't get the limbo-roll-under-stick drill, either...again, thought I saw the concept of rolling it across muscles surfaces for fine body control and safe-reflexes, but...doing it...ah well, not my best day

I learned about the Miracle Fruit in this webcomic
(the more recent ones are straight up laugh-out-loud, the older ones are more hard-honest autobio)

I...well, actually kind of do want one. I like the in-dark-ending best. Rolly-polly!

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