I think the body is just as important to develop as the mind. So, my reasoning. In the interest of balance, we can look at the extremes - the effete scholar, and the jock with a lump of muscle for a brain - for example, it's not the strongest atheletes that are the MVPs, but the smartest and most skillful. Operating from the oft neglected perspective of the mind and body being a single unit, developing one without the other would be like doing bicep curls with only one arm. While the effect of having well developed body is often not immediately apparent on one's intelligence, as one's life progresses a strong body maintains the mind beyond what any weak body could. Further in that vein, one can certainly tell the difference in how well they are able to concentrate when they are stiff and sore - with flexibility and conscious relaxation, the mind can focus. And from a historical perspective, the Samurai were not revered simply as warriors, but were also known as the greatest poets, artists, and even dancers of their day, and followed complex philisophical codes.

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