Patient sitting is a funny job for many reasons, but one is that it's kind of isolated in terms of co-workers. Not that one doesn't see innumerable nurses, techs, &c, but one only sees other patient sitters when giving the five minute report at beginning and end of shift, and/or in the ER where it's way too busy to talk.
  So it's funny on the rare occasion when there are two sitters in the same room, with two patients who don't really need sitters (ie, not two DT-ers). That is, the unique occasion. Then it's like a grand Meet, in the story-telling sense; for example: "Oh yeah? Well have you ever gotten an entire liter of urine spilled all over you?" or "Gee, when I had that guy he was hitting on everyone and told the black nurse that he thought he must have a huge cock." 

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