Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson was an enjoyable read, for the most part. Although Gibson went a little bit overboard in terms of arabesque'd language in the beginning, once he settled down his style was kind of a concise lyricism with some grit added in for effect. The plot style is made up of concurrent threads that progressively connect, which adds a certain mysterious element, but unfortunately in order to tie them all together the ending turns into something like an impressionist painting seen from way too close. Basically, Mona Lisa Overdrive is a noir-ish cyberpunk novel with a writing style that's definitely pleasurable to soak in, though the ending may take some re-reading. As a sidenote, there are a few concepts and even phrases that seriously make me wonder if the writers of The Matrix and Shadowrun had this as a source, especially concerning the apparent popularity of the author at the time he wrote it.

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