I had a random idea the other night, pacing on the phone in our front yard and watching the neighborhood partygoers congregate, and it oddly had to do with zen. Or something. Anyway, it had to do with the principle of being still and yet in motion simultaneously. The common example of this is the reflection of the moon on running water. So my thought was, while someone is sitting still their mind is probably often in motion, thinking and daydreaming and whatnot. But then when people are moving or completing some action, they are often still thinking and keeping the mind working at the same time. So to be in the zone or zen or....some other z word, the mind is still while the body moves. And it just clicked that that's a pretty common notion, so there's my realization thereof, I guess.

Dark Fury - I think I've developed a sort of morbid fascination with the character Riddick - I don't really like him, but I get curious whenever he appears again

Doom Funnel Chasers! - It reminds me of Farscape because of the whole gravity-slingshot effect (yay for obscure nerd references!), and the duct tape ball makes a fun noise when it hits the planets

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