On the suggestion of the improbably pleasant produce dude at a ghetto-Fry's, Xuemei and I decided to buy Kelsey and Italian plums. Well, rather, Xuemei threatened me with violence if I bought another weird fruit that didn't bear eating again. But, as it turns out, both are pleasingly...plummy...lack of adjectives here....and the Kelsey plums actually kind of do seem like "big green grapes," as the produce dude put it.

And in other news, (while waiting for the also improbably pleasant beach volleyball) we caught the women's rowing. Besides the excitement of a race that came down to hundredths of a second, that's some hardcore badass shit. Yes, yes, synchronized divers have rippling muscles and are hot and all, but there's not eight of them being synchronized (that was kind of eerie, in truth). And the coxswains-on-the-verge-of-spontaneously-combusting provide comic relief. So, props to Carolyn, Steph, and Steph...KATN.

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