The Latin Deli, by Judith Cofer - A mixture of prose and poetry; the first part is fiction based on stories of Puerto Rican immigrants, the second part is memoirs and poetry about the author herself. The poetry is beautiful and easy to read, and some of the stories can give you quite a knock emotionally (re: me on the verge of tears or just putting the book down and staring into space).

the Blue Marble - best landscapes ever

Collected Tears of the Weeping Nivbed - rediscovered oldie

Mess Studio - it's very much worth the slightly odd navigation

Robotech Invasion - basically what appears to be a wonderfully accurate presentation of one of my favorite trilogies (gameplay trailer)

Xuemei's Nice Meal of the Day:
-lemon-pepper soy teriyaki honey-garlic plum orange-sesame sherry chicken
-roasted cubed potatoes
-shiitake mushroom + meatball + spinach soup
-salad + rolls

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