In the Daily Wildcat's 'fast facts' section there was this bit about the esophagus of an octopus going straight through the middle of it's brain. I mean, that in and of itself is enough to boggle my mind, but as Xuemei pointed out, "Maybe the octopus's mind is boggled that your esophagus doesn't." But I'm more inclined to believe that the octopus' mind is boggled by the fact that food is passing through it. Spinning off from that, Wyatt and I watched a documentary a while back that claimed that if all the higher order animals were killed off the next kind of animal to gain higher intelligence/sentience would be squids/octopi..octopuses...octopoids. Anyway, not really much to say except that I think it's interesting to really consider an animal so entirely different - the esophagus thing, eyes that evolved totally separately from any other animal's eyes, the whole neural net thing, using ammonia for bouyancy, &c.

Rotor Script - I have no idea.

Matt Dixon - art

Worst Jobs in (British) History - You can hear the accent in the writing style, it's funny.

I met someone in the ER that this actually happened to, for similar reasons as that guy; he lost an arm when he did it, though... (via Wyatt)

Fish! - there are some truly funky ones in there, though I wish there was a bit more explanation for why some of the weirder ones have the features they do

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