Clone Wars, with people doing remarkable impressions of several actors' voices. As far as I understand it, this cartoon was originally shown in five minute segments on the Cartoon Network to fill some of the gap between Episodes II and III, but it fits together in this movie in a little over an hour of awesome. It's pretty much all action, but there are all sorts of remarkably clever moments, and even hilarious moments. It's interesting to see some of the effects they chose to produce in animation that probably wouldn't ever happen in live-action, and to see several secondary characters in extended roles. Well worth the short time it takes to view.

Never Trust an Elf, by Robert Charrette. As per the dippy title, probably one of the dippier novels in the Shadowrun setting. My excuse being that I picked it up for the sake of completeness in collection, nonetheless the shifts in perspective between the two main characters were interesting, though by proportion the one I thought was more intriguing got far less time.

oil computers - not quite as cool as the computer-in-an-aquarium idea, but cool nonetheless

What color eyes would your children have? - if anyone makes one of these for hair, &c, that would be even more fun

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