Two more weird dreams I've had relatively recently have involved a similar image between them. Both were disturbing in the same way as the sigils on the girl's back from that third recent dream, but these other two did not seem to be as direct of symbols. In the former, I was able/compelled to split a crack I saw in a friend's face; inside, their head was filled with stuff that I remember clearly, but can't really describe. The closest I can come is clockwork mechanisms of bone and ash, and that's letting top-of-the-head adjectives come. In the latter, another friend had a wasting disease of some sort, and I was compelled to scrape at the lesions and bumps on her forehead in some twisted effort to save her, but it only opened holes into a similar view of a hollow space inside her head, also not really describable, but more organic this time. And if I gain one more vivid image like that that's so hard to shake...ah...well, I'll be putting a lot more effort into figuring out why they're bubbling out of my subconscious.

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