For some reason, while looking at how the sun was reflectng off one side of a cloud, I thought of painting. Then, I remembered an anecdote I'd read once where the writer, walking with a friend, comes across a puddle with oil slicked into it. The writer continues walking, while the friend, a painter, stops to kneel next to the puddle. While I can't remember the dialogue involved, the writer's point was that an artist (be they painter, photographer, or poet, etc) often sees the world in a way keyed into their skill. In that vein, I'd assume something similar for engineers, teachers, and anything else that one can categorize someone as, of course.
      So my next thought was that maybe that's a good reason to go to an art museum. As much as it's wondered whether we all really see the same things the same way, in a sense an art museum might be a place to get insight as to how a collection of other people see the world.

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