My brother and I noted today that we have a similar reaction to stress (of whatever kind), which is somehow comforting in a small way (the commonality I mean). That is, an aversion to eating. I don't know about shared details, but for me under very high stress having food physically placed in front of me garners an almost physical reaction, like a mix between anticipation and pain and just plain pain. When I do get food down, it just sits like lead in my stomach, though things like walking and ginger (bleh) seem to help a bit. Hunger sneaks up on me, and when it does the conflict between appetite and aversion is...uncomfortable, to say the least. This is one of those posts that I'm sure seems like complaint, but for whatever it's worth it's meant as an acknowledgement of the reality of something, as a step towards dealing with it, and as sharing in case anyone else runs into a similar quandary.

      Also, I started a poem-journal of sorts the other day; I'm not sure if I'll ever post any of it, or even really ever share any of it on account of its personal nature, but just for kicks it's called "Alchemy" (at the moment anyway). Hell, I can't imagine it would be seen as anything but quixotic or emo were I to do something like post it, anyway.

Jarhead, with Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard. Well, I'm going to throw out one thing that some people people (re: ladies) might like about the movie - naked Gyllenhaal, and a solid amount of it. Other than that, I'm not remembering anything pleasant. That's not to say that the movie was supposed to be pleasant in any regard, which it wasn't, but I'm not sure I really got anything from it either. About three quarters of the way through, my thought was 'a wannabe Full Metal Jacket with prettier faces and cinematography.' Other thoughts include wondering at the gross distortions of boot camp and some things during the war, this based on conversations with the Marines my dad and I know and talk to, wherein I wonder whether the director was trying to pull another avant-garde-by-almost-post-modernism American Beauty, and not quite pulling it off. I don't deny that I'm sure there's some truth to the movie, in some or several ways, but even if that's the case, I'll just say that the trailers were then completely misleading, and regardless that's not a movie I would have seen had I known more.

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