Completely random things time. Apparently, my dad once had breakfast with Johnny Cash. He was sitting in an almost empty restaurant, saw the singer, and asked if he could sit with him; apparently, he had a slow, southern drawl and was very down to earth. Also, my dad used to be a DJ, back in college; he laments that DJ’s aren’t allowed to just sit and ramble anymore, and have to stick to station playlists (of course, that’s why I’ve been listening to KXCI lately).

I don’t know why I remembered this, but when I got my new camera, I turned it on and there was a little chime noise, as electronics are wont to make these days. So my mom hears that, and says, “It sings!” Not, “It made a noise,” or, “What a pretty noise,” or anything like that, but she described it as singing. I don’t know if it was a quirk of her accent or just they way she put it at that moment, but I thought it was a lovely way to describe something that I’d otherwise just think of as a gadget.

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