A couple random things. One, I identified in oblique ways with two people I wouldn't have expected to identify with previously; in an emotional/personality sense with the dojo's taekwondo instructor, nigh identically, if only for a moment; and, I learned that Bruce Lee supposedly suffered from severe and frequent headaches, just like me. That those headaches may have indirectly caused his death is just something I'll have to ignore for the moment.
      The other night, the local randomness radio station was playing modern raï, which is great, bouncy grin-inducing music if one ever has occasion to listen. Tonight, even better, there was music that literally got me to gasp in aural pleasure (apologies for the aural pun). It was jazz of a lounge-y sort, played by a bass, a jazz guitar, and some lush vibes, and man if a woman had been set in my arms I swear I would have been a dancing Casanova. Now here's the trick: the music gets to the end of the set (which ironically contained that song that I remember the high school jazz band playing, 'Caravan' or somesuch I think), and the dj thanks the band for playing live in the studio.
      How cool is that? Hans and the Attache, a local Tucson band made up of guys who seem to actually like Tucson, playing what was described as Southwestern island jazz, playing live on the radio. I am very much set on going to see these guys in person. Yes.

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