I'm running on about an hour's worth of sleep, so I don't really remember what I had wanted to write about today. Why am I so hungry, though? I had Denny's at....three in the morning, that should have held me other I'd think. Hm. Also, that old cliche about 'Think about baseball' in awkward situations? It actually worked in the clinch of the moment. Somehow it seems funny to consider that folk wisdom of a sort, but hey.

Anyway, I did remember one thing; on a random show about body modification (split tongues, tats, hanging from hooks, etc) I was listening to while working out (I just realized a slight irony there), there was an interesting contrast made. That is, that plastic surgery is often much more invasive or extensive than what people would usually consider 'extreme' body modification, and yet it is almost entirely directed towards being invisible. The best plastic surgery (barring ginormous stripper boobs) should theoretically be nigh impossible to even tell it was done; and in the same token, it's for blending in, usually, not standing out.

Obliquely, yesterday I met a woman who had the web between her upper lip and her gums pierced. Hm. Not much to say about that, except that it actually wasn't that bad looking. Oh: other random trivia - smoking a pipe is a lot easier to conceal from night vision than a cigarette. There was more random trivia from the soldiers just back from Korea, but honestly I got kind of lost in the deluge of acronyms as early in the morning as I heard it, so don't recall much unfortunately.

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