Well, I have to say it does sound very...ah, elephant-ine. As it were.

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, with Clive Owen and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. This film had some good things going for it, and some good things not going for it. That is, there's a great noir style to the cinematography, acting, and music, and what I'm sure is a lovely semantic under-structure (though I didn't put that much effort into paying attention to the recurring tropes). But: it seemed that a great deal was missing. I understand not laying things flat out and obvious, it is a thriller, of course, and even ambiguity in an ending, that can be great. But it just seemed like this movie was almost missing whole scenes worth of content that would have done wonders to augment the already interesting characters. As it stood, though, I had a spot of trouble paying attention.

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