I apparently have 666 MBs in my gmail account. On June 6, 2006. I'm cursed. Or something. Isn't the actual bad number supposed to be 616, though? I think I saw that on a documentary once.

In other news, congratulations to Lee in Warehouse Two; his team placed 77th out of 3300 international teams at the latest big billiards competition in Las Vegas. At his Vegas peak he was up to $47,000 in his pocket; alas, in trying to hit $50,000, he lost a good portion of it. Ah well.

and an article on whether one's abs should be rock-hard, or strong and supple - little bits of interesting trivia in the beginning, yoga exercises in the latter part

and another small psych quote, still pondering its veracity:
"People get anxious about not being able to control their anger or about not knowing how to deal with situations that make them sad. And that is what fear is — the inability to solve the problem that is making you angry or sad."

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