Kairo (Pulse), with...uh...a goofy guy that's easy to empathize with, and a pretty girl. Yeeaah, I don't know Japanese actors really, except for Kaneshiro Takeshi. Who definitely wasn't in this movie. I think. Anyway, ten points to Ms. Kim for having great taste in movies, I think I get schooled as much with her as I did in the grand ol' movie-watching days of literary theory. Kairo would have been great fodder for that class, and would have had people going to lunch after class to continue arguing about it, I'm sure. I don't want to inadvertantly create any spoilers by thinking 'out loud' in this forum (and this is a movie that does best without spoilers), but I'll probably see this movie again at some point, if only to figure out a little bit more of it. Creepy, and provocative, and atmospheric - it's slow, but that gives you time to figure out the puzzle of it, I guess.

Thoughts on Thinking - a quick little posit on a zen perspective on the nature of thought

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