Behemoth: ß-Max, by Peter Watts. I hesitate to write about this novel just yet, as it's really quite literally only half of a novel, because of publishing snags. Anyway, in short, it's got the character-driven and setting-based feel of the first book in the trilogy, Starfish, with the energy and activity of the second novel, Maelstrom. Not as much hard sci-fi as the latter, though, but the characters and plot generally make up for that. Anyway, more to say when I finish the second half - and then on to SoS, I promise, Connie!

Clockwork Thugs, Yo (Livewires, Vol. 1), by Adam Warren. First, I'll just list the names of the characters: Stemcell, Hollowpoint Ninja, Gothic Lolita, Cornfed, and Social Butterfly. That and the title are kind of an indication of the sassy, self-aware, and ironic humor of the writing (SOP for Warren, one of my favoritest authors). The other thing that's well utilized from his repetoire is the profusion of science-fiction ideas that are spread throughout the story, and that are just plain interesting. It's funny to feel real empathy for characters which are essentially emotionless, which especially ties into the pretty disturbing ending. Good stuff! Though unfortunately the TBP comes in digest form (ie, shrunken), sadly for the trademark Dirty Pair-esque art.

Word of the Dizzay! Haven't done that in forever:
concinnity \kuhn-SIN-uh-tee\, noun:
1. Internal harmony or fitness in the adaptation of parts to a whole or to each other.
2. Studied elegance of design or arrangement -- used chiefly of literary style.
3. An instance of concinnity

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