Gasp! I figured out what that spider I took pictures of is! Though this just freaks me out.

I think it would be even more fun if they combined Monopoly and Anti-Monopoly somehow, with players on opposing sides

Interesting word of the day: linguicide, as in, say, a language falling into disuse by way of cultural imperialism for example

One time, at Rocky Point, I stepped on a skate. It scared the living daylights out of me, and I fell over in the water in what I'm sure was a hilarious fashion, when the fish decided to make like a banana peel. Which reminds me of my mom's possibly apocryphal story of a Palestinian man escaping certain death, only to later step on a banana peel and break his neck. But anyway, I certainly didn't catch the fishy.
-relatedly, yes, I am going to call it yabbying from now on, when we want to make our Ramen-yabby soup

If I were an ant, this would totally freak me out (especially this one, all Invasion of the Body Snatchers...)

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