Histoire d'O (Story of O), by Pauline Réage, and The Almond, by Nedjma. These books were both very good. The endings of each baffled me. Both were written originally in French, but from very different cultural perspectives. Both are billed as erotica, but neither really is; they have erotic moments, but they're not really for the purpose of titillation in my opinion. Each is narrated by a character whose thought process is entirely dominated by her sexuality, to exclusion of anything else. Nedjma's novel has a very interesting structure that highlights the different aspects of her character's development; Réage's novel is more elegantly simplistic in the same regard, but provides different insight into her narrator in that regard. The Arab novel is more beautifully written, and the French novel is oddly compelling in its style for some unaccountable reason. Obviously, I think one could have a great time doing a close reading of these for essays and whatnot, and am curious to look up articles at least on Réage's novel, which I think there are.

Oh man, I wish they had video of this sensei, for serious

Oo, trendy

Idol Teachings - mmm, chock full of insights, especially the middle-to-end section

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