Things of Note - Happy Santa weekend!

-adobe houses are apparently like thermoses...thermii? whatever, anyway, when they get cold, they just get colder, and then stay cold
-Gato, the Sunrise clinic cat (who also happens to be a certified anesthesiologist), is very affectionate when out of the affectionate
-when creating experimental chalk marker thingies, make sure the gunpowder does not explode towards one's hands
-when practicing a monkey-vault across uneven levels, make sure there are not stairs to completely eat it and faceplant on across from oneself (luckily, I managed to barely avoid losing most of my teeth and an eyeball by straining my belly muscles to catch myself)
-we all got jeans. and lots and lots of chocolate.
-Christmas day was a slew of lucky coincidences, culminating with Scott calling at 10pm to give just the right advice
-British food: mmm, sausage rolls
-British custom: if you open a Christmas cracker, you damn well better read the joke...and wear the crown
-*me singing the theme to Rocky*

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