Things of Note! [insert fanfare] A weekend.
-Congrats to Ms Kim for doing a nice job in Yuma! Aka, the armpit of AZ. But, as my dad pointed out, it's somebody's armpit.
-David did this tornado kick like whoa - seriously, it was up there with Scott's Buddha-poison-palm, or the first time Carolyn did her trademark neck-wrenching throw
-Mattie managed to leap up, not for the usual crotch shot, but to launch my camera into the air with both paws and watch it hit the bricks: nice job, Mattie
-it might be the case that jazz music makes you buy more comics; at least, that's the principle Charlie operates on, mayhap (nicest comic store guy ever)
-for some reason, when I do projects, I seem to get covered in something; paint, sawdust, whatever
-on Katie Holmes in Batman Begins, my dad: "What is with her mouth?" - Ah ha! I've been vindicated!

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