
I decided to go running with Mattie the ofanim (for the exactly two people who might get that reference) yesterday, and thinking it would be a short run, decided to try letting her set the pace for as long as I could. Hoo boy. I think I was sprinting, sliding, and sprinting for a lot longer than I meant to; another mistake I made included grabbing the wrong Underarmor (for extreme heat, not winter cold) and so I was oddly even more cold than I would have been shirtless. Then Mattie decided to make an agile little dodge around a telephone pole, and I let go of the leash, thinking I'd be able to pick it up again quickly, and then a lot of stuff seemed to happen. I slid on sand, heard a car, saw Mattie pick up speed, put my head below my center of mass reaching for the leash, and had a burst of panic thinking Mattie was going to bolt beyond my reach.

And my body...crashed? It was like it was operating independently of me, and all the while I was willing myself to just step on or grab the damn leash and please please don't face plant on the thorns and asphalt, and there was lots of pain. Which I later realized was the headache I felt a moment later. Now, it's kind of a chicken/egg as to whether headache preceded or followed my body-mind going wonky on me, but either way luckily Mattie turned to see what was up with the stupid human instead of sprinting off, and I managed to stumble us home. And sit in a chair on the porch and keep from throwing up from the headache. Oof, wierd, painful experience.

I can logic out the heliotropism of leaves, but why would flowers track the sun?

Wow, old school staff - but where are the thrusts? It's interesting how there's an entirely different priority from the Okinawan style I'm more familiar with

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding heliotropism and flowers: some places use flower clocks as decorative ways to tell the time. These are actually clocks with different flowers positioned at different hours. The flowers open and close at differnt times during the day...heliotropism in a way. Here a pretty picture.