wounds and salves

Going into the ER brought back some memories, but nothing notable, or that I haven't talked about before. I did note, on the other hand, how in the last two times I've been there, there's been some local drama going on. For example, we ended up sitting next to the family of someone involved in a bus-SUV collision, who we realized were such as they reacted to the news of the accident playing on the television above us. Or last night, as I walked in there was a Mexican family anxiously searching for someone who had been shot (that last was a bit disconcerting, especially because of a ghetto-bird's lingering presence above Adelaide two nights in a row, and where the family said the shooting took place). I guess things like that made me remember times I'd sat next to people who were in the news or victims of violent crime, and ponder Tucson being a big-little town, and while one often runs into people one knows, one can also run into 'news-worthy' people.

I got some neem oil...I'm not sure yet if it's the panacea it's touted to be, but I did realize why it isn't marketed more if it really does have all the good affects it's supposed to - it smells downright foul. As Sensei Tony would say, it's just plum raunch.
"Can you give me hallelujah?
Now somebody yell me a big old God-bomb amen."

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