go ninja go ninja go!

TMNT, with several famous voices (including Buffy and Silent Bob). Just go into it kind of half-expecting a kid's movie, and you're fine. That is, it's certainly not exactly for adults, but it's still quite entertaining at the same time. It's nicely put together, and the animation is great; one scene between Raphael and Leonardo is wonderfully tense with emotion, just in their animated body language, for example. It was fun. Though I was saddened there were no Vanilla Ice references, it was fun. And it was okay in this movie that everyone was ninjas. It balances out movies where everyone becomes a pirate. In other news, there were large groups of emo kids abounding, on opening night. Let the jokes ensue.

I always thought systema was interesting in the seeming originality of the concepts it pushes, though I've not really had occasion to try many of them

Some classic but interesting judo principles

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