Happy 1/5 Day, Mme Penguin!

Get it, because it's a fraction of 4/20, and...oy, I blame that entirely on the Diesel Sweeties author, but I still think it's kind of funny. Anyway. Mme Penguin's reviews! Cable and Deadpool 39 is just as hilarious as ever, like, actually inducing mad giggling (how can anything that starts out with "I SHOOT YOU!" go wrong?), and interestingly within a sentence explains most of Deadpool's pyschotic behavior and fourth-wall breaking. X-Men 198, despite getting vehemently bad reviews from all sorts of people, gets solidly good reviews from me and Wizard, so ha! The Hecatomb is a great, original monster concept, and the action, characters, and setting are all still taut and interesting. One of the first DC comics I've ever gotten, 52 50 was nicely done. I don't really care for the setting or characters, but I have to admire what they've accomplished with the 52 project and this approaching conclusion - all that, and the Shaolin robot speaks in trigrams! Classic! Now, to find a copy of the I Ching and try to interpret. The 99c intro to Sheena was pretty randomly good, in a literary sense, ironically. X-23: Target X 5 is almost horror-thriller-esque (water-y basement, blood, etc), and the pathos and lovely art are impeccable. For Ms Kim I got Punisher 45, which plays with a darkly humorous storyline and some classic Punisher action. And the other first-DC-comic-bought was World War III: Hell is For Heroes - not as good as 52, I have to say, interesting, surprisingly gory, and world-spanning, but, I can't quite call it great. Maybe I'm just prejudiced against DC.

And: greatest video ever. Which Ms Kim figured out the twist to in her usual expectation-defying way - Wyatt, feel free to exclaim incredulously. Because I did, too.

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