just a couple, Mme Penguin...

Well, only a couple comics we like coming out this week, Mme Penguin (hence Ms Kim getting the second Fables volume, per the credit card minimum). But they were good ones! Barracuda 3 continues the oh-my-god craziness of the first couple comics, upping the ante with some sweet tranny lurv and mad machine-gunning. I'm not even sure how to describe it. It's like The Rundown in reverse, mixed with Once Upon a Time in Mexico, with referential flashbacks to Oz and Platoon. Yes. But why is Fifty white on the cover? In spite of all that fun, however, I think I liked Fallen Son: Avengers a bit more. There was a bit of humor in this comic, too ("Ill knock that stupid face off your face!!!"), but mostly it was just some pretty raw pathos. I have to say, though, that the Mighty Avengers subplot just didn't pull off at all what the New Avengers subplot did in terms of fleshing out the anger that this issue was supposed to embody (each Fallen Son issue embodying a different stage of grief).

And for the summer's big event, which I know you're excited about too, Mme Penguin, Hulk smash....well, everything!

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