Things of Note - A Boo'ful Weather Weekend

-I chopped every dang plant-y thing in all three yards...thorny ones, citrusy ones, shrubbery, rose...ery; and, now I'm sunburnt and having trouble typing on account of worn-out forearms
-out of all the thorns, the one thing that really went into my skin was a freaking twig! I had to pull a damn twig, millimeter by millimeter, out of my knuckle.
-Mattie kicks ass at rally obedience! Woo!
-she can also do parkour in my family's backyard, including pirouettes atop the thin privacy wall...everyone's jaw dropped, for reals
-that sharp dagger I got several Christmas's back was incredibly handy with the mesquites - yay practical use for decoration! Now if I sharpen that kukri, I bet I could shave another third off the yardwork time...
-a prescription for being bummed: Buddha stories, Love Actually, and Sonoran hot dawgs, aw yeah
-for a Sunday afternoon after a day of yardwork: yoga, Nico's, Farscape (stupid Season 2 cliffhanger ending!!!), and playing with myself (I'll explain that in the next post)
-do not let dogs that like to eat near my mom, unless you want them to explode
Not even sure how to describe it - interesting, though

1 comment:

Connie said...

That S2 cliffhanger always makes me a bit weepy. Though I love that they allow the bad guys to win sometimes on Farscape. Plus, it makes the S3 opening kick so much ass. Sorry, my nerd is showing.