Pretty random, Mme Penguin.

Pretty random. That is, the comics for this week. Take Midnighter 7, a comic I never really would have thought about getting, but for that I'd read that it was supposed to explain his much-vaunted anticipation-powers. The Memento-style ordering of things is kind of amusingly clever, but my favorite Midnighter moment is still him getting his ass handed to him by well-drawn jujitsu in Stormwatch: Team Achilles. I'm sure you agree, Mme Penguin. Initiative 2 is proving to be much more interesting than the other Avengers titles, a lot more expansive in setting and intriguing in characters, and is really capturing the spirit of what was supposed to happen after Civil War, I think (also: George Bush calls Yellowjacket "Pymmie"). I'm not exactly sure why I got Amazons Attack 1, which is pretty, but kind of a nonsensical beachhead issue. The Amazons...well, attack. Funny the imagery of them blowing up the Washington Monument, though. Ironically, kind of a ditto for Damnation Crusade 3 - as much as it's written by an amazing novel author, it's not really going anywhere, and I'm not too keen on the new art. Now, Wisdom 5, on the other hand, has Pete Wisdom kicking men, hard, in the balls. And I loved how it got creepier and creepier...only to have a hilarious ending, which still amazingly ties into the British subconscious-culture. And Runaways 26 is a step away from the Whedon-izing I was worried about, and was utterly hilarious (I can't quite explain the sheer humor of "Put the thing in the thing!" properly), though I'm leary of that time travel twist. Man, we hate time travel usually, don't we, Mme Penguin?

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