Things of Note - Almost Monsoon? A Weekend.

-has anyone else ever noticed that Bookman's has a "Pornoire" in the corner? Is anyone else kind of curious what's in there?
-funny how playing a video game can be stressful enough that it can make its own good point about how horrible war is; if the game can be that anxiety-inducing, yeesh....
-and was Bookman's always that busy on Sundays?
-I got my car washed. Then a bird shat upon it.
-financial director: wow, unexpectedly wolf-whistle gorgeous
-the semi-legendary Wierd Plant Sale pretty much turned out to be a succulent/desert plant sale...still, they had a few odd succulents, I guess, but pretty much all succulents are a bit odd
-and were Friday nights always Mexican family night at Hollywood Video?

-a tour of Dante's Inferno, I love the interface

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