Verily: meowmeows and dizzawgs

The Truth About Cats and Dogs, with Uma Thurman and Janeane Garofalo. Interesting! Like The Sure Thing, it's not really an average romantic comedy, but this is being approached from a different path entirely, that is, the riff on Cyrano de Bergerac path. Heh, which I was slow enough not to realize till I read that in text. Much to my chagrin. It's interesting in that the genders are reversed, which has some interesting effects (though I'm still not quite understanding why Garofalo later 'disowned' the movie on the grounds of it being anti-feminist, but I'm working at that).

One is that where ye olden Cyrano is quite apparently physically unattractive on account of his big schnoz (though wow, I never thought of that in phallic terms...whoa), Garofalo is actually quite attractive. It would have been interesting, certainly, for her to have been made physically unattractive, and much more true to the point of the story, but I just don't think it would have panned out with audiences (and now I start to see Garofalo's issue). Two, and building on that issue, is Thurman's character's sweet-but-dumb characteristic - that is, her own self-doubt is interestingly developed, but the horribly unfortunate aspect of that is that it is never really rectified. She just accepts the fact of 'being stupid,' and in a sense, her character is subtly almost tragic in that way, almost more than how Christian dies uselessly in the original play. Anyhoo, I could go on, I'll stop there.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Wow - you are so right. There is something actually offensive about that movie. I could never put my finger on why I didn't really like it... Garofalo is one of my favorite actresses, and she deserves to be the star, not the ugly friend trying to hide behind Uma!