
The nervous system teacher last night told us an interesting story from when she was in the forest service about an encounter with a man on PCP. When she came upon him (and he wasn't a very big guy, mind), he was tearing concrete picnic tables out of where they were set in the ground with seeming ease; when she tried to address him (though her horse was smartly wanting to back away) he could only scream gibberish at her. Apparently, PCP can make the user regress so that they're only using their brainstem, or, as it is sometimes called, the reptilian mind (for when it appeared on the evolutionary scale). So that's respiratory, heart-rate, digestion, and muscle tone...everything else goes out the window - for example, language, hence, the guy pretty much speaking in tongues.

Slash, this craziness. Anyone else noting similarities to zombies (think of the definition given in the first Resident Evil film), 28 Days Later, or Stephen King's novel Cell?

How odd is that animal?

And some what related, I didn't realize there was a set name for that (but...does that mean they'd have a beak


Connie said...

Didn't you ever see the Little Mermaid?

Jinn said...

right, but I didn't realize there was a name for them, other than mermaid-with-tentacles-instead-of-fishbutt