screeech click inhale-noise SQREEUAK

30 Days of Night, with Josh Hartnett and Melissa George. Off the top of my head, I'd say the vamps (yes, I am going with the shortened appellation, any sarcasm aside) are up there with the Blindsight vamps...not quite as good, but that's still saying a helluva lot. That is, they're pretty awesome - just the kind of human-but-oh-so-not-human-at-all that I enjoy. Their language was a wonderful touch, in that. The shots were very well set up, light and shadow and some top-down perspectives being used to great effect, and though some of the characters were kind of interchangeable (we'll call it, say, 'generic Alaskan guy with slight facial hair'), some of the others were pretty well set up, even with only sparing development. Only thing was the climax was a bit contrived, but I'd say, it's arguably sensical given the situation.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J. K. Rowling. I wonder what her initials are for....John Kevin, and she's a transy, perhaps. Actually, the book was much better than I expected. It was good light reading when I needed it. Also good in that I don't hardly remember the movies very well, so could still be surprised by things. But seriously, how many people die in Quidditch? Iron balls chasing you? Really now. Also, I think they should make a cookbook based on the setting.

They've got to use artificial lightning in a movie, now, somehow.

It's obviously a Cloverfield monster. Duh. And how fun would a Cloverfield scenario be in Civilization?

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I'm glad you picked up on the Blindsight similarities too. I was very pleased with the portrayal of them. They almost had the cat clicking sound too.
I remember in Master of Orion they'd have space monsters that would rampage your colonies, not sure how they'd have that in Civ though. it would have to have like 125HP but if it gained experience it would be pretty much invincible.