wanton douchebaggery

Mama's Boy, with Jon Heder, Diane Keaton, and Jeff Daniels. Ah, Keaton, adorable as usual. Daniels....put on some weight, but he's kind of funny, and does a nice not too-over-the-top motivational speaker. Heder, an asshole, as usual. I don't get his main character type - the relatable asshole? You're supposed to feel sympathy for him, while he's a complete jerk to everyone around him, till the last five minutes of the movie? Because he's inadvertantly funny, it's ok? I guess one could make the same arguments about Will Farrell's characters, but I think Farrell's characters are usually fanciful enough that it actually is ok, whereas Heder's are just kind of sickeningly petulant. And I think where Farrell's characters fail is when they drop into that, and where Heder's do better (though I still don't like it) is when they're more fanciful, like in Hot Rod.

Disturbingly funny.

Things learned in watching Deadwood: zodiacal light

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