end of the first week

In no particular rhyme or reason -
Some guy had a last name of Gandolph. Another, Pinkstaff.

An amusing statement I typed up: "Husband answered door - very anti-union; wouldn't go get wife, says she's 'tied up at the moment.' Literally?" I couldn't tell if the organizer was joking, or actually suspected some BDSM.
----also: "Still dead - please remove from system"

We got to work with a somewhat strident video conference going on directly behind us...there was a definite feeling of, don't do anything dumb, don't do anything dumb, don't turn around and look at the camera. Interesting to see a place that uses video conferences so much, and in different rooms concurrently, even.

There was an email that started with, "fleshdryver@..." Yikes.

Cool names: Danisha, Amandalyn (sounds like an instrument to me)

I'm not sure how I feel about the union getting people who pay dues to do some of their organizing work for them, however pyramid-scheme effective it is.

Filters are awesome for managing lots of raw data. Like, wow, I heart you, filters.

One of my co-workers often leans close, touching shoulder to shoulder or the like; I think it's just purely unconscious, but I don't mind at all, she wears soft sweaters and smells nice. Also, an impressive assortment of pirate-jewelry, all with massive beads.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I wasn't aware that husbands answering doors was considered anti-union.

Also good that the girl with the pirate jewelry doesn't smell like a pirate.