Finally, some attention is being called to an Muslim criticizing Muslims. Without launching into a tirade about Orientalism, which I'm sure I shall at some point, this is what I've been rambling about when I say that labeling a full billion people with one name doesn't make them all the same.

   And on a tangential note, no one who this concerns will probably ever read it, but to all the people at my mom's school, her name is Najwa, pronounced n-capital lowercase e-lowercase zeta-w-schwa. Not a long 'a' or a Southern drawl 'a' or three syllables or with a silent 'j' (where the hell did that one come from?). Two syllables, with the first vowel just like in "bet" or "net." Gods....the closest example I can think of is people drawling out Carolyn's name to a ear-scraping Caroliiiine, but that has less variation.

*   *   *   *   *

"...beneath mountains, effervescing majestic."
"These women ran with destiny beneath their wings..."
"...each man, taken into my mouth like a warm vowel..."

*   *   *   *   *

The Random Frog Children, "a very random comic in many parts"

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